
Section: Boston Business Computing (1)
Updated: 31 January 2000
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Vbackup - perform backups, access DEC archives  


vbackup -c[1aAbBCDeFgiIKLmMnNPRstTuvVwyY] [-fdevice] files
vbackup -x[1aACDeFjMnopQRstTuUvVwyY] [-fdevice] [files]
vbackup -t[1AcDeFMnRsTuvx] [-fdevice] [files]
vbackup -M[1cDINtTux] [-fdevice]
vbackup -D[1cIMtTux] [-fdevice]
vbackup -I[1BcDMN] [-fdevice]
vbackup --info
vbackup --reset [-fdevice]


Vbackup has two main purposes:
to make backups of online data; and
to transfer data between VMS, RSTS, UNIX, and Windows systems.

The intersection of these two purposes is the DEC BACKUP archive format. This format was designed to resist data corruption due to media degradation, while making efficient use of media capacity and throughput. It provides a high level of data safety, and is also commonly used in VMS and RSTS archives.

Vbackup reads and writes:

DEC BACKUP archives, also known as save sets;
Files-11 archives, which can be created on VMS using the INITIALIZE, MOUNT, and COPY utilities; and
Vbackup archives, which are save sets with DEC BACKUP-compatible extensions to store UNIX- and Windows-specific information.

Each command line may be specified using either of two syntaxes:

tar-style, which is similar to that of UNIX tar; and
VMS-style, which is similar to that of VMS BACKUP.

This document deals primarily with tar-style syntax; see the printed manual for information about VMS-style syntax.

The eight command line forms in the synopsis correspond to the following eight modes of operation:

Save Mode
In save mode, Vbackup copies files to an archive located at device, which is a tape device, CD-ROM device, or disk file.
Restore Mode
In restore mode, Vbackup extracts files from an archive located at device, which is a tape device, CD-ROM device, or disk file. If no files are specified, all files in the archive are extracted.
List Mode
In list mode, Vbackup lists information about files in an archive located at device, which is a tape device, CD-ROM device, or disk file. If no files are specified, all files in the archive are listed.
Mount Mode
In mount mode, Vbackup emulates the VMS MOUNT command, verifying the volume name of the tape or CD-ROM in device and preparing for fast access to it. Vbackup automatically mounts devices as necessary, so normally there is no need to specify this mode on the command line.
Dismount Mode
In dismount mode, Vbackup emulates the VMS DISMOUNT command, making device available for other tapes or CD-ROMs or for access by other programs. If a device is mounted from a login shell, Vbackup arranges for it to be automatically dismounted when that shell exits. Otherwise, it is necessary to run Vbackup in dismount mode to allow other users or programs to use the device.
Initialize Mode
In initialize mode, Vbackup emulates the VMS INITIALIZE command, discarding all data on the tape in device and electronically labeling it with a new volume name and other information. Vbackup automatically initializes tapes as necessary, so normally there is no need to specify this mode on the command line.
Info Mode
In info mode, Vbackup displays information about itself. Currently, the displayed information consists of the names of the devices that Vbackup will access if none are explicitly specified.
Reset Mode
In reset mode, Vbackup arranges for the next access of tape or CD-ROM device to be unaffected by problems that occurred when Vbackup previously accessed it.


Causes the -c, -x, -t and -T options to access tapes as Files-11 archives. See Archive Format in chapter 2 of the printed manual for more information.
Prompts for confirmation before attempting to access a tape device after failure of the previous attempt. Normally, Vbackup periodically tries to access a tape device until it succeeds or is interrupted.
Causes the -Y and -y options to compare against each file's access date. See File Dates in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
-b size
--block-size size
Sets the save set's block size to size bytes.
Save set blocks are the units of data recovery: if media corruption occurs, errors in one block per sequence of group-size blocks can be corrected, where group-size is the value specified by the -g option.
A tape save set's block size is also the length of the physical tape records used for storing the save set.
Each block incurs a small, fixed amount of space overhead, and each save set is padded to the nearest multiple of the block size. Therefore, the size of a save set may be decreased slightly by increasing its block size if it contains a large amount of data and by decreasing its block size otherwise.
size may range from 2048 to 65535, and defaults to 32256 for disk save sets and 8192 for tape save sets. Vbackup rounds size up to the nearest multiple of 512, and silently imposes a maximum of 65024 and 32256 respectively for tape and disk save sets.
On a tar-style command line, size may also range from 4 to 127, in which case Vbackup multiplies size by 512.
Causes the -Y and -y options to compare against each file's backup date. See File Dates in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
Causes the -t and -T option to display the default, minimal amount of detail about each file in the listed archives, canceling the effect on the listing of any --full option or -v option that occurs earlier on the command line.
Saves files to an archive.
On VMS-style command lines, this option is normally implied by the combination of a file or list of files as the first parameter and an archive as the second.
See Operating Modes in chapter 2 of the printed manual and Archive Locations in chapter 2 of the printed manual for more information.
-C dir
--directory dir
Sets the default directory to dir prior to saving or restoring files that follow this option on the command line. The option may be specified any number of times on a single command line.
If a restore command line does not specify particular files to restore, this option applies to all files restored.
When saving, dir is relative to the directory specified in the previous instance of this option if there is one, and to the current directory otherwise. When restoring, dir is always relative to the current directory.
This option overrides the target directory selection of the --output option, normally specified as the second parameter of VMS-style restore command lines.
Causes the -Y and -y options to compare against each file's change date. See File Dates in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
--convert keyword
Controls various aspects of the format in which Vbackup saves, restores, and lists files. The particular aspect controlled depends on the value of keyword, which may be one of the following:
During restore, the non-negated and negated forms of this option respectively insert and omit record terminators after each record of every restored file. Normally, Vbackup infers whether to insert or omit record terminators from the record format and attributes of the original file. See Conversion During Restore in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
When restoring from a DEC BACKUP save set, if a file has STREAM, STREAM_LF, or STREAM_CR record format and does not end with a record terminator, Vbackup normally appends a record terminator to the restored file. The negative form of this option disables that feature.
Stores files in the record format specified by fmt, which may be FIX, VAR, or INFER. See Conversion During Save in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
When listing the contents of a save set, shows only information meaningful on the system indicated by sys, which must be one of the following:
the system on which the save set was created
the system on which the save set is being read
a UNIX system
an OpenVMS system
In conjunction with the --convert=format=infer option, scans the first n instead of the first 512 bytes of each file for non-printable characters. See Conversion During Save in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
When storing files in FIXED record format, uses a record length of n instead of the default 512 bytes. See Conversion During Save in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
When restoring a file with STREAM record format from a DEC BACKUP save set, Vbackup normally deletes null characters at the beginning of each record. The negative form of this option disables that feature.
Causes the -Y and -y options to compare against each file's creation date. See File Dates in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
Dismounts the tape or CD-ROM in the indicated device, making it available for different tapes or CD-ROMs or for access by other programs.
If a device is mounted from a login shell, Vbackup arranges for it to be automatically dismounted when that shell exits. Otherwise, it is necessary to run Vbackup with this option to allow other users or programs to use the device.
--describe device
Specifies that --media options that follow this option describe default characteristics of archive location device.
--media options following a -f option override characteristics described using this option.
When crossing option source boundaries, values of this option accumulate rather than overriding each other. See Crossing Option Boundaries in chapter 3 of the printed manual for more information.
This option is typically used in configuration files.
In a configuration file, indicates that tape device /dev/rmt/tps0d5nrnsv does not support software unload requests.
-e files
--exclude files
Excludes files matching files from being saved, restored, or listed. files may contain wildcards.
When crossing option source boundaries, values of this option accumulate rather than overriding each other. See Crossing Option Boundaries in chapter 3 of the printed manual for more information.
Causes the -Y and -y options to compare against each file's expiration date. See File Dates in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
Uses VMS-style syntax when displaying file specifications in messages and in archive listings. Normally, Vbackup displays file specifications in UNIX-style syntax when started using a tar-style command line, and in VMS-style syntax when started using a VMS-style command line.
-f device
--device device
Accesses archives at the location specified by device, which may be the name of a tape or CD-ROM drive, the path of a disk file, or a hyphen (-) to indicate a pipe.
On VMS-style command lines, this option is normally specified as part of the second parameter when saving and as part of the first parameter when restoring or listing.
If this option is not specified, the archive location defaults to the system default tape device.
See Archive Locations in chapter 2 of the printed manual and chapter 5, Tape and CD-ROM Drives in the printed manual for more information.
Causes the -t and -T option to display more detail about each file in the listed archives. Depending on the listing format, the extra detail may include file type, record format, permissions, creation time, modification time, ownership, group membership, and other characteristics.
-g size
--group-size size
When creating a save set, arranges for future errors in any one block per sequence of size data blocks to be correctable. The error correction mechanism writes one extra non-data block per sequence of size data blocks unless size is 0, in which case no extra blocks are written and no errors are correctable. size may range from 0 to 100, and defaults to 10.
Displays a brief description of how to construct tar-style Vbackup command lines.
When creating a save set, sets the block size and group size to their respective defaults of 8192 and 10. This enhances save set portability to non-VMS DEC systems.
Discards all data on the indicated tape and electronically labels the tape with a new volume name and other characteristics. See Labels in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
Vbackup automatically initializes tapes as necessary, so normally there is no need to specify this option.
--ignore keyword
Ignores information that normally could cause some special action. The particular information ignored depends on the value of keyword, which may be one of the following:
Disables the normal volume name and expiration date checks when writing to a tape. See Labels in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
Ignores changes to files when determining whether two file names are links to the same file. Normally, Vbackup assumes two file names are unrelated if the file they reference changes after encountering one name but before encountering the other.
Displays the following information:
the devices that Vbackup will access if no devices are specified on the command line;
the system default tape drive that Vbackup will access if no devices are specified on the command line or in any configuration files.
--input file
During a save operation, specifies the files that should be saved in an archive.
This option is normally specified as the first parameter on VMS-style command lines and as all parameters on tar-style command lines, although it may also be specified as a regular option on both types of command line.
See Specifying Files To Save in chapter 4 of the printed manual for more information.
-j n
--junk n
When restoring directory trees, discards the leading n directory components of each restored file's original path.
If n exceeds the number of directories in a file's original path, the file is restored into the top level of the output directory. A large n can therefore be used to restore files into a flat directory structure.
This option overrides any original path modification effects of the --output option, normally specified as the second parameter of VMS-style restore command lines.
During save, deletes each file immediately after it is saved.
When creating a save set, saves symbolic links as hard links, allowing them to be restored as regular files on systems that do not support symbolic links, such as VMS. Normally, Vbackup saves symbolic links as symbolic links, which are restored as zero-length files on systems that do not support symbolic links.
This option has no effect when creating an archive in Files-11 format, which supports neither symbolic nor hard links.
When saving to or restoring from an archive, displays a log message immediately after saving, restoring, or deleting each file.
During save, crosses NFS or other mount points while scanning directory trees. Normally, Vbackup stays within the bounds of the file systems containing the directory trees it searches.
Mounts the tape or CD-ROM in the indicated device, verifying the volume name of the media and preparing for fast access to it.
Vbackup automatically mounts media as necessary, so normally there is no need to specify this option.
--media keyword
This option must follow a device specification. It provides information on how to access the device whose specification it follows.
This option should generally not be used unless it is explicitly recommended by Boston Business Computing technical support. Normally, Vbackup infers a suitable access mechanism for each device, making this option unnecessary under most circumstances. When it is necessary, it is typically specified in configuration files to avoid excessively long and cryptic command lines.
The nature of the information provided by this option depends on the value of keyword, which may be one of the following:
If n is zero, indicates that the device accepts variable-length blocks; otherwise, specifies that the hardware-imposed tape block size is n bytes.
Specifies that tapes contain n bytes of data per inch.
Disables the device operations specified by keyword, which may be one of the following:
Disables rewind, offline, and unload operations during dismount. When reading a high-capacity tape containing a multi-volume save set originally stored on several smaller-capacity tapes, this may be useful for preventing the tape from rewinding at volume boundaries.
Disables all offline operations.
Disables all unload operations. This may be necessary for media changes to happen automatically when accessing a multi-volume archive in a multi-tape loader.
Indicates that the device is a disk rather than a tape.
Upon detecting end-of-file, performs the action specified by keyword, which may be one of fsf0, fsf1, or none.
Indicates that the device uses extended file marks.
Specified that tape file marks occupy the same amount of tape as n bytes of data.
If the device cannot overwrite file marks, writes one instead of two file marks when closing a file on a tape to allow future appends to that tape.
Specifies that tape inter-record gaps occupy the same amount of tape as n bytes of data.
If the device does not support backspacing past and overwriting records, avoids writing beyond the first n meters of a tape.
Indicates that the tape can backspace past and overwrite file marks.
Indicates that the device does not support software unload requests.
Performs a bitwise inclusive OR of the tape open flags with flags before opening each tape.
If the device is on a remote system, starts the rmt program on the remote system by running path instead of the default /etc/rmt.
Indicates that the tape can backspace past and overwrite records.
If the device is on a remote system, runs path to open a channel to the remote system.
Indicates that the device cannot append to a tape after reading past a file mark instead of skipping past it.
Indicates that the device is a tape rather than a disk.
Accesses the device using the tape ioctl interface indicated by keyword, which may be one of mtio, Digital, IRIX, Linux, AIX, SCO, Intel, or ATT.
As with any keyword, each keyword may be negated by prepending NO to it.
Causes the -Y and -y options to compare against each file's modification date. See File Dates in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
Inhibits CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) calculation and storage.
Normally, Vbackup calculates and stores the CRC of each block in the save set during save, and recalculates the CRC of each block to detect and possibly correct corrupted data during restore.
This option short-circuits that mechanism, making it impossible for Vbackup to detect or correct media errors when reading save sets created with this option.
CRC calculation is computationally cheap, and CRC storage does not affect archive size, so usually there is no reason to specify this option.
-N name
--label name
When writing to the beginning of a tape, sets the tape's volume name to the result of truncating name to 6 characters, converting it to uppercase, and replacing invalid characters in it with underscores (_). See Labels in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
During restore, sets files to their original ownership and group membership. Normally, Vbackup sets file ownership and group membership to those of the user performing the restore. Users must have appropriate system privileges to restore files to ownerships other than their own.
--output dir-spec
During a restore operation, specifies the directory into which files should be restored, and under some circumstances causes leading directory components of restored files to be partially discarded.
This option is normally specified as the second parameter on VMS-style restore command lines, although it may also be specified as a regular option on both VMS-style and tar-style command lines.
The -C and -j options override the effects of this option.
See VMS-style in chapter 4 of the printed manual for a full description of this option's semantics.
During restore, silently overwrites existing files. Normally, when a file restoration would overwrite an existing file, Vbackup issues an error message and skips that restoration.
-P comment
--comment comment
When writing a save set, stores comment in such a way that subsequent listings of the save set display the comment. comment may not contain more than 1024 characters.
When restoring from a DEC BACKUP save set, disables the normal file format translation mechanism so that restored files retain their low-level RMS binary format. See Data Conversion in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
When reading or writing a tape archive, rewinds the tape prior to accessing it. Normally, Vbackup starts at the current tape position when reading and moves to the end of the data on a tape before writing.
During a write operation, this option has the side effect of initializing the tape with the volume name and expiration date indicated by other options. See Labels in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
Unconditionally dismounts the indicated tapes or CD-ROMs if they are mounted, and arranges for the next access to them to be unaffected by problems that occurred when Vbackup previously accessed them.
If keyword is ALL, then this option affects all tape and CD-ROM devices currently being accessed by Vbackup; otherwise, it affects only devices specified by the -f option.
This option should never be necessary unless there is a serious problem with the host system or with Vbackup. If this option becomes necessary, please contact Boston Business Computing technical support for assistance.
-s name
--name name
When writing a save set to a tape, sets the name of the save set to name.
When reading one or more save sets from a tape, selects only save sets whose names match name, which may contain wildcards.
Save set names may be up to seventeen characters long, and may contain upper case letters, numbers, underscores (_), hyphens (-), dollar signs ($), and up to one dot (.). Vbackup automatically modifies name as necessary to conform to these restrictions.
On VMS-style command lines, this option is normally specified as the file name portion of the device parameter.
Indicates that the preceding parameter specifies the location of a save set. Normally, this option is used only on VMS-style command lines, but it may also be used on tar-style command lines.
--select spec
During a restore or list operation, specifies the files that should be restored or listed. If this option is absent, all files in the indicated archives are restored or listed.
On tar-style command lines, this option is normally specified as all parameters.
See Specifying Files To Restore in chapter 4 of the printed manual for more information.
--setup keyword
Allows customizing various aspects of Vbackup's operation.
This option should generally not be used unless it is explicitly recommended by Boston Business Computing technical support. Normally, Vbackup infers suitable defaults for optimal operation, making this option unnecessary under most circumstances. When it is necessary, it is typically specified in configuration files to avoid excessively long and cryptic command lines.
The particular aspect of Vbackup's operation that this option affects depends on the value of keyword, which may be one of the following:
When performing an operation that results in mounting a tape or CD-ROM, Vbackup normally only allows the user running Vbackup to access the media while it is mounted. This option allows access by the user's group if keyword is GROUP and by everybody if keyword is WORLD.
Note that Vbackup cannot protect unmounted media against unauthorized access: whenever a tape or CD-ROM is loaded in a device, it is accessible by any user with sufficient system permission to access the device.
Locates the ansid program at path. The ansid program is responsible for maintaining mounted media state across multiple invocations of Vbackup. It is normally located in the Boston Business Computing installation directory as file ansid.
On most systems, Vbackup automatically dismounts tapes mounted from a login shell when the login shell exits. Vbackup detects that a login shell has exited by periodically waking up and checking for the shell's existence. This option overrides the default check interval of 4 seconds.
Reads a configuration file at path file. See Configuration Files in chapter 3 of the printed manual for more information.
Runs shell command cmd prior to mounting the second and subsequent tapes of a multi-volume archive. At the start of the command, shell variables nam, num, and dev are respectively set to the volume name, volume number, and device of the tape that will be mounted. If the command completes successfully, Vbackup immediately attempts to mount the tape without requesting further confirmation.
If a media mount attempt fails for an unknown reason, causes Vbackup to try again instead of exiting with an error message.
Allocates n instead of the default 1040384 bytes of shared memory for the tape block queue. If the queue is large enough and the host system is fast enough, Vbackup is able to access tapes at top speed regardless of factors such as CPU scheduling, disk access times, and network latency. Vbackup silently rounds n up to the nearest multiple of 512 not less than 325120.
Writes queue profile data to file path in a format suitable for input into the gnuplot program. The data can be helpful in selecting an optimal value for the --setup=qmem option. For more information, please contact Boston Business Computing technical support.
When reading a save set, retries failed read operations n instead of the default 50 times before giving up and exiting.
When accessing a device on a remote system, starts the rmt program on the remote system by running path instead of the default /etc/rmt. The --media=rmt-path option overrides this option.
When accessing a device on a remote system, runs path to open a channel to the remote system. The --media=rsh-path option overrides this option.
Locates Vbackup device arbitration information in directory dir instead of /tmp/.bbc/. Because Vbackup locks files in this directory, this option may be necessary on systems whose /tmp file systems do not support file locking.
Suppresses display of the message indicated by keyword. Currently, the messages that can be suppressed are:
issued when Vbackup writes save set tape labels longer than 80 bytes
issued when the auto-dismount mechanism is disabled
while writing a multi-volume tape archive, issued when Vbackup completes a tape with no end-of-volume label set
Locates the system configuration file at path file. See Configuration Files in chapter 3 of the printed manual for more information.
Locates the taped program at path. The taped program is responsible for maximizing throughput between Vbackup and tape devices. It is normally located in the Boston Business Computing installation directory as file taped.
Locates the user configuration file at path file. See Configuration Files in chapter 3 of the printed manual for more information.
-T file
Lists the files contained in one or more archives. If file is specified, the listing is written to that file; otherwise, it is written to the standard output stream, which is typically the terminal from which the Vbackup command was invoked.
In a listing, the information about each file occupies a single line unless the --full option or the -v option is specified, in which case the information about each file occupies several lines.
Normally, save set listings only show information meaningful on the system on which the save set was created. The --convert=list overrides this behavior.
--tape-expiration date
When writing to the beginning of a tape, sets the tape's expiration date to date. See Labels in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
When performing any operation that involves dismounting a tape or CD-ROM, prevents the tape or CD-ROM from being unloaded as part of the dismount procedure.
When performing any operation that involves mounting a tape or CD-ROM, prevents the tape or CD-ROM from being unloaded as part of its eventual dismount procedure if this option is absent at that time.
If this option is absent at both ends of a tape's or CD-ROM's mount-dismount cycle, Vbackup unloads the tape or CD-ROM when dismounting it.
When restoring from a DEC BACKUP or Files-11 archive, disables conversion of file names to lower case. File names in DEC BACKUP and Files-11 archives normally are in upper case, so this option normally yields upper case file names. See File Name Conversion in chapter 4 of the printed manual for more information.
Activates the --log and --full options, causing log messages to be displayed when saving or restoring and more details to be displayed when listing.
During save, interprets a dot (.) followed by digits at the end of a file name as a VMS version number. During restore, appends each file's VMS version number and a preceding dot to its restored file name.
Interactively prompts for confirmation before saving or restoring each file. Responses to the prompt are case-insensitive and may be abbreviated to a single letter. Vbackup recognizes the following responses:
YES, TRUE, or 1
Perform the current action.
Do not perform the current action.
Perform the current and all subsequent actions.
Do not perform the current or any subsequent action.
Restores files from one or more archives.
On VMS-style command lines, this option is normally implied by the combination of an archive as the first parameter and a directory as the second.
See Operating Modes in chapter 2 of the printed manual and Archive Locations in chapter 2 of the printed manual for more information.
-y date
--since date
Selects only files whose dates follow date, which must be in VMS absolute time format, described in Date Specifications in chapter 6 of the printed manual.
By default, Vbackup compares date against each file's modification date except when extracting from a DEC BACKUP or Files-11 archive, when it compares against each file's creation date. See File Dates in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
-Y date
--before date
Selects only files whose dates precede date, which must be in VMS absolute time format, described in Date Specifications in chapter 6 of the printed manual.
By default, Vbackup compares date against each file's modification date except when extracting from a DEC BACKUP or Files-11 archive, when it compares against each file's creation date. See File Dates in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.



Save Mode

vbackup -cvf /dev/nrmt0h /tmp/data
Stores directory tree /tmp/data/ into a save set on tape device /dev/nrmt0h, displaying a log message after storing each file.
vbackup -cT root.jan2000 -Rf /dev/rmt/0n -sroot.jan2000 /
Stores the root directory tree into save set ROOT.JAN2000 on tape device /dev/rmt/0n, rewinding the tape prior to writing and generating a listing of the save set's contents in file root.jan2000.
vbackup -cf marvin:/dev/nrmt8 -ssrc.sav '*.c' '*.h'
Stores files whose names end in .c or .h into save set SRC.SAV on tape device /dev/rmt8 on host marvin.
vbackup -c1Rvf /dev/nrmt0 -Nsim9 '*.sim'
Stores files whose names end in .sim into a Files-11 archive on tape device /dev/nrmt0, rewinding the tape prior to writing, setting the tape's volume name to SIM9, and displaying a log message after storing each file.
vbackup -cvf stu.sav /home/stu
Stores the directory tree rooted at /home/stu/ into disk save set stu.sav, displaying a log message after saving each file.


Restore Mode

vbackup -xvf /dev/nrmt1
Restores all files from the next save set on tape device /dev/nrmt1 into the current working directory, displaying a log message after restoring each file.
vbackup -xvf /dev/rmt/tps0d4nrnsv -setc.sav passwd group
Restores files passwd and group from save set ETC.SAV on tape device /dev/rmt/tps0d4nrnsv into the current directory, displaying a log message after restoring each file.
vbackup -xvf /dev/rmt/0n -C/tmp
Restores all files from the next save set on tape device /dev/nrmt1 into directory /tmp/, displaying a log message after restoring each file.
vbackup -x1vf /dev/nrmt0 '*.out'
Restores all files whose names end in .out from the Files-11 archive on tape device /dev/nrmt0 into the current directory, displaying a log message after restoring each file.
vbackup -xvf data.sav '*.dat'
Restores all files whose names end in .dat from disk save set data.sav into the current directory, displaying a log message after restoring each file.


List Mode

vbackup -tf /dev/rmt/0n
Lists the contents of the next save set on tape device /dev/rmt/0n.
vbackup -tf quimby:/dev/rmt/1n -s'*.*'
Lists the contents of all save sets on tape device /dev/rmt/1n on host quimby.
vbackup -t1f /dev/rmt0.1
Lists the contents of the Files-11 archive on tape device /dev/rmt0.1. If the tape contained save sets, this example would list the names of those save sets without listing their contents; see Listing Save Set Names in chapter 6 of the printed manual for more information.
vbackup -tvf data.sav
Lists full details about the contents of disk save set data.sav.


Per-user configuration file
System-wide configuration file


Boston Business Computing, Ltd.
13 Branch Street
Methuen, MA01844-1955
(978) 725-3222



Save Mode
Restore Mode
List Mode

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